Birds: Frequently asked questions and their answers en What animals can lose their tails? Many animals can lose their tails, including lizards, salamanders, and s... Thu, 07 Dec 2023 11:58:48 +0100 What is a collection of crows called? A collection of crows is called a murder. Fri, 17 Nov 2023 10:05:23 +0100 Can birds fly without feathers? No, birds cannot fly without feathers. Feathers are essential for flight... Wed, 01 Nov 2023 10:29:21 +0100 Can birds fly above the clouds? Yes, some birds can fly above the clouds, such as the bar-headed goose w... Wed, 01 Nov 2023 10:27:30 +0100 Can birds fly when their wings are wet? Birds can fly when their wings are wet, but it requires more energy and ... Wed, 01 Nov 2023 10:27:06 +0100 Can birds fly across the ocean? Yes, some birds can fly across the ocean. For example, the Arctic Tern h... Wed, 01 Nov 2023 10:26:03 +0100 Can birds fly in place? Yes, some birds can fly in place, also known as hovering. This is achiev... Sun, 29 Oct 2023 11:53:50 +0100 Can birds fly upside down? Most birds are not able to fly upside down for an extended period of tim... Sun, 29 Oct 2023 11:53:24 +0100 Can birds fly at night? Most birds are diurnal and do not fly at night, but some species, such a... Sun, 29 Oct 2023 11:53:12 +0100 Can birds fly in the rain? Yes, birds can fly in the rain. They have waterproof feathers that keep ... Sun, 29 Oct 2023 11:53:03 +0100 Can birds fly backwards? Yes, some birds can fly backwards, such as hummingbirds and some species... Sun, 29 Oct 2023 11:52:43 +0100 Which bird lays the largest egg in the world? The ostrich lays the largest egg in the world, weighing up to 3 pounds. ... Sun, 29 Oct 2023 11:50:38 +0100 What do crows like to eat? Crows are omnivores and eat a variety of foods including insects, fruits... Sat, 07 Oct 2023 01:57:04 +0200